Use Full

For most people, use and utilize are interchangeable. I’ll use either one if the situation can handle it, and I feel like it. However, for the sake of splitting hairs, and to make a point, I am going to say that they are not exact synonyms in this post.

Use is common, and we use things all the time. Sadly, we tend to misuse people and still call it use.

Utilize is often reserved for fancier or more technical arenas. Whatever is being talked about is still fulfilling a purpose, but with more formality.

Here’s the thing, I can use a butter knife in many ways, I have used one to tighten the screw that holds a skillet handle on several times, but this isn’t the right usage. Unless I use the knife to spread butter, jelly, or something of similar consistency, I am misusing the butter knife, even if I call it using it. If I were to tell you I utilize a butter knife, you’d think I’m too formal, but you would know that I put the knife to the proper use. There really wouldn’t be any question about that.

There are times that I feel used, but not utilized. I am doing something, but either not what I need to be doing, or not to the full extent. For example, I take care of a lot of the sound and projection at church. We only have a mic or two going at a time, and the settings don’t change too often. The songs we sing are programmed in and then it is just a matter of pushing the button at the right time. I have a use, but there are times that I feel like a monkey could be trained to do my job. Maybe one could, but that is not something I want to suggest. I like to design graphics for backgrounds and sermons, but I don’t always get opportunities to do that. I am in use, but not what I call utilized; there is a sense of purpose that eludes me. People are doing this to me on purpose, it is a matter of how I am looking at the situation.

Here is a better example, one that I have seen first hand. Youth classes and activities are under-utilized. There are far too many adults that use them to baby sit the youth, or keep them out of the way. I have seen parents do this. They drop the kids off and then disappear, never engaging the staff, and many times not even engaging the children on what happened. Instead of supporting the classes and activities, the adults are just using them to gain free time.

Use versus utilize is not running rampant, but it is happening. Society is driving people away from working together unless it meets some selfish goal. I am not going to try to give answers or say what to do in this post. I just want you to be aware of the problem. If you knew, know that you are not alone in seeing it. It will take all of us to turn it around. Do your part for now. Engage people, find out what they can do and what you can do for them. OK, I was wrong, I did offer suggestions.

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