
Sometimes random things most often come to mind. This topic is one; a sermon on the fact of many members of the body of Christ. The head is Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. The neck is the pastor and the rest of the body is made up by many members. But here is the the visual, the right arm bears the sword of the spirit of the word. The left arm bears the shield of faith the chest bears the breastplate of righteousness and the waist the belt of truth. The feet shod in sandals of readiness.

Hmm, without the right arm, there is no sword to attack or oppose. Oops, the left arm says it doesn’t need the body, now the body is left without a shield, no defense against those fiery darts of satan. Now the leg has taken a hike without the torso and quickly the other leg goes an opposite direction, now the body is divided and, look, it has fallen to the ground. But notice, the neck is still there, trying to hold up the head, and the head is Christ. The neck wants to keep the crown of the head in its rightful place in glory on high, but without the body to support it, the neck struggles under the load and soon collapses. The body is divided and ultimately has taken the glory from God by removing the Son from His headship of the Church.

HELLO! Wake up to what you’re doing and think for a minute! Each and every single member of the body of Christ is needed to make up the Church and defend her against the powers of darkness. Without the armor, the church is poor, pitiful, blind and naked. Wretchedness runs rampant. We need to pull together and function as one body to protect one another in this age. We need the shield of faith, we need legs to stand on, we need the breastplate, we need the sword of the spirit, we need to support the neck so that the neck can support the head and glorify the Son of Almighty God.

We cannot divide the body and expect the Church to stand. We need each other, and rest assured, Christ doesn’t need any of us, but He has chosen each one of us and called us by His Name. Our King is calling, and He is providing us armor to stand strong. Not only is He providing the armor of God, He is our armor bearer. And to top it off, He is going to lead us in the charge to take back and claim His Children.

Sound the battle cry, we are at war whether we like it or not. The time is now; for today is the day of salvation to the glory of God. To God be the Glory forever and ever. May Your Kingdom come and May You, LORD Jesus, reign forever.

One Response

  1. myoder says:

    Good thoughts Jack.
    I spoke something similar in a communion message yesterday.

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